Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Theodoret of Cyrus: All Sins Abolished in One Sacrifice

In the former case a multitude of priests, a multitude of victims, and no benefit, whereas in this case priest and victim are one and the same, he achieved abolition of sins and needs no further service; instead, he is seated with the Father who begot him, awaiting the end of the present life. At that time, in fact, all the adversaries will adore him as God and Lord; then those of the Jews and the Gentiles who did not accept the illumination of the faith, and along with them the bands of the heretics guilty of the blasphemies against him.

- Theodoret of Cyrus (around A.D. 393 to around A.D. 457), Commentary on Hebrews, Chapter 10, in Theodoret of Cyrus, Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Volume 2, p. 177 (2001), Robert C. Hill translator.