Friday, July 31, 2009

John Chrysostom: Abstinence from Wine a Risk for Infants

"He will not drink wine or strong drink," it says. She did not entertain within herself the thoughts, What effect will the drinking of water have on him when is of tender years? What if he falls ill? What if he dies, falling victim to some severe illness? Instead, considering that the one who gave him would be able personally to provide for good health, she set him on course for holiness from the very cradle and birth, casting everything onto God; her womb containing a prophet, bearing a priest and carrying a live offering, a living offering, was sanctified before birth.

- John Chrysostom (around A.D. 347 to around A.D. 407), Homilies on Hannah, Homily 1, in St. John Chrysostom, Old Testament Homilies, Volume 1, p. 79 (2003), Robert C. Hill translator.